quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2013

Carta na escola

Profissionais da revista Carta na Escola 
entrevistam Êda  Luiz.

Homenagem da DRE Campo Limpo para os educadores.

Parceria em prol da efetiva inclusão

Amigas e parceiras da APAE em visita ao CIEJA.

Assistente Social e Psicóloga - Mirella e Edinete

V Fórum Social Sul no CIEJA Campo Limpo

Palestra com jovens do movimento Passe Livre

Êda Luiz compartilhando com alunos o V Fórum Social Sul

Nosso parceiro Auwá - colaborando com o fórum  - palestra sobre questões Etnocorraciais

Reciclagem e artesanato com garrafas pet

Bruno Capão, Êda Luiz e o artesão Adriano.

Fórum Social Sul

Alunos do CIEJA Campo Limpo 
( SAAI - professor Billy )
participam das atividades do V Fórum Social Sul .


Parceria com UNINOVE

Alunos da faculdade UNINOVE - da Licenciatura 
de Pedagogia visitam o CIEJA Campo Limpo para
 realização de trabalho sobre inclusão.

Foram momentos agradáveis e de formação humana para todos .
Todos aceitaram o convite de Iluminarem-se para a inclusão de forma ampla, geral e irrestrita.

quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2013

Edu on Tour no CIEJA Campo Limpo

Jovens europeus fazendo um "tour pelo Brasil" para conhecer a educação por aqui, 
as experiências criativas de educação em nosso pais e, também, trocar experiências 
sobre a educação na Europa e em outros países que eles já visitaram.

#eduontour visiting Cieja Cl, a public scool that broke all the roules becaming the example of how alternative thinking and diverse education can transform public policies and local disadvantaged areas. Capão Redondo 15 yeas ago, when Cieja Cl has been founded, was officially defined as “the most dangerous and violent area in the world”! They face this challenge opening a basic education school for adults where to learn how to read, write, basic calculation and other subject we give for granted. Here they are not. Today the school model has been replicated in other 12 areas in #saopaulo and they are planning to spread it in all Brazil. In two weeks Eda, the founder of Cieja, will be in Paris, to start the dialogue about reproducing it in the suburbs of the french capital. Great initiatives spread and change the status quo. Cieja is the living example!
— 5 days ago             #eduontour  #saopaulo 

Eda Luiz is pure inspiration. After 20 years teaching in public schools she was extremely conscious of all the limitations of the public educational system, enough to push her to create an alternative. 15 years ago she founded Cieja Cl, a basic school for adults, to reduce the social gap and increase the life conditions of the local population. During the years the impact grew, therefore, after 7 years the new government decided to cut the funds, picturing a slow death of the school. Eda did’n give up and invited them to see in person the importance of this space for the local poulation. The government challenged Eda to turn the school from a radical example to a replicable public initiative. After two years of hard work and difficulties, they defined all details, finally receiving the approval from the government. Now Cieja is not the odd exception but a model that is spreading in all the country. Eda’s story is inspiring. When she talks about it you can see the spark in her eyes. “it’s all about following what you are passionate about” she said, “not giving up, not even when things got hard and look impossible.”, “Sempre lutar para os prorprios sonhos!” Always fight for your dreams! #saopaulo #cieja #eduontour. #educationrevolution #movedu

Filming the math aula at Cieja Cl. The documentary of the movement for a #educationrevolution is taking action! #eduontour #saopaulo #movedu

For the last seven years Professor Billy has been working with people with special needs at Cieja Cl and he noticed the big gap between the education they were receving in the school, and the situation at home where, despite the real age, they weren’t treated as adults but babies instead. He decided to include the parents in the education process creating thf “Cafe Terapeutico” (therapeutic coffee), an informal weekly meeting where educators, parents and special students could talk about important topics as sexuality, people rights, work, sport, culture and leisure. Today the Cafe Terapeutico is not only in Cieja but also in other schools of #saopaulo!
#eduontour #movedu #cieja               — 2 days ago           #eduontour  #movedu  #cieja  #saopaulo 

domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013

Vale a pena VER DE NOVO


Professor Billy

Vamos torcer.

Professor Billy concorre ao 7º Prêmio 

"Professores do Brasil" 

com o projeto " Café Terapêutico Solidário " 

realizado no CIEJA Campo Limpo.

Entrevista " Café Terapêutico "

Mateo Tangi do projeto  Eduontour - entrevista com professor Billy .

For the last seven years Professor Billy has been working with people with special needs at Cieja Cl and he noticed the big gap between the education they were receving in the school, and the situation at home where, despite the real age, they weren't treated as adults but babies instead. He decided to include the parents in the education process creating thf "Cafe Terapeutico" (therapeutic coffee), an informal weekly meeting where educators, parents and special students could talk about important topics as sexuality, people rights, work, sport, culture and leisure. Today the Cafe Terapeutico is not only in Cieja but also in other schools of #saopaulo!
#eduontour #movedu #cieja

sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

Solidariedade Animal na Escola - Uma proposta de Educação Humanitária

Alunos da SAAI com professor Billy em atividade na 
Biblioteca Animal.

A Biblioteca Animal é uma das atividades que são realizadas dentro do  Projeto SAE - Solidariedade Animal na Escola

Professor Billy e o mascote do projeto SAE , nosso amicão Mayke.

Somos todos iguais na diferença

Turma do Aprendiz ( APAE - MC Donalds )

Alunos cursistas do Aprendiz em reunião com professor Billy e Victor Martinez da APAE de São Paulo .

CIEJA Campo Limpo e APAE de SP juntos na Inclusão Social da pessoa com deficiência intelectual.

Momentos 1ª Festa da Diversidade